I stayed up late last night watching documentaries on YouTube about skinheads and NeoNazis in the United States, Europe, and Russia. One of the documentaries was actually a National Geographic special, as opposed to one renegade filmmaker's perspective, which validated all of the other independent filmmakers' work on this subject for me. These are terrorists among us, on American soil, and these are the people that red-blooded Americans should be weeding out, imprisoning and torturing in Guantanamo!
Today we celebrate Veterans Day in the United States. Our World War Two veterans sacrificed the best years of their lives to overthrow the Nazis. Meanwhile, some of their children and grandchildren are buying into the neo-Nazi and skinhead movements due to lack of employment, hatred of Mexican immigrants engaged in low paying jobs, and greedy companies outsourcing.
Today, the United States military has thousands if not millions of Americans serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. A percentage of these people are doing their military time in order to train for the white revolution. Some of the soldiers who return from the Middle East bring a hatred of Muslims back with them. Some who have not even served in the US military are writing asinine editorials titled "Why Can Muslims Serve, Not Gays?". The Advocate, normally a reputable news source for the LGBT community, has used extremely poor judgement in publishing an Islamophobic editorial written by--wait for it--A PORN STAR DIRECTOR/PRODUCER.
The best part is that the editorial has nothing to do with allowing gays to serve in the military, but everything to do with the incredibly flawed belief that Muslims cannot be patriotic citizens because they "hear the Koran". I am so ashamed that The Advocate published this trash! And what about all of those gay Arabic interpreters who were booted from the military simply because of their sexual orientation--some of them were Muslims, too. I was shocked to find out that many of those who responded to this porno guy's editorial agreed with him! I could not help but post a comment in response to the editorial.
Just replace "Muslim" with "Jew", or "queer", or your choice of minority in Lucas' editorial, and it is chilling. Read the comments posted, and see how many people agree with this guy. I wonder if Lucas is going to suck the cocks of closeted White Power dudes next.
Babe Rainbow - Aquarium Cowgirl
2 days ago
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